Letter: Conversation With A Worker On The “Fees Must Fall” Campaign

South Africans have been bombarded with the demand that fees must fall. These are questions put to me by a worker on one of the campuses:

“ A doctor received free education and was honoured with a MCHD.

A lawyer qualified with a law degree and a license to represent clients in a court of law.

A teacher/lecturer was bestowed with a degree to teach.

Will it mean that all their clients, patients will receive free service within the capitalist system?

Does a degree/diploma mean that the graduates are the only people that will receive a meaningful salary? Keep in mind that we need artisans who are trained to build infrastructure like clinics, toilets, schools and libraries. How will the graduates deal with the “decolonisation”  of elitist institutions like courts, theatres, shops etc, that trouble all these Africanist students?”

The questions posed by this security officer indicated that all these freebies can only be addressed within a society where the means of production is being managed in the interests of the whole of society and not in the interests of an elitist group of people who believe that they can have a degree to exploit the poor, the workers and peasants.

 Forward to free education for all within a new society where the means of production is being used in the interests of society as a whole and not only in the interest of a graduate diploma elite.

Apdusa member